Thursday, 24 April 2008

Climbing graphics/ Prints

So to try and continue my push to keep posting I've got a link for people today....

This is the website for a graphic designer that creates these very cool and funny climbing graphics. There are def some of them that only climber can 'get' but they are still very cool in the graphic sense. The are available to buy as postcards, prints framed in various sizes as well. My personal favorite is a mountain with a sign pointing to the top saying is entitled "Motivation" - how apt !

Otherwise I've had the most boring day including a 3 hour seminar on freaking roof tube lights (i.e. skylights that direct daylight into a space) I found the point of this seriously useless as we mostly only do office fit out's in like multiple story buildings in the centre of London. So when the hell are we going to have the top floor that we would be able to punch a hole in the roof and put one of these in. Nevermind that we would have to be landlord permission as well as the ever elusive council permission as well as meeting all building regs and DDA compliance ...NO thank you very much! I'll just avoid that as much as possible.

And now i much stop procrastinating and get back to my annoying sectional elevations....

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