Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Bf's Website

I forgot to mention yesterday that while I was being so lazy all weekend my lovely bf was busy being Mr IT Geek and coding away all weekend... The result is his new and improved website....
On that page there is a quote that will change if you click refresh (or press F5 but not on mac). Then click on the quote to see the rest :)
Well done babes - I think it is very cool ...Even if it is orange :P
And I just have to say my favorite 6 word update is def...She blinks and i wash up... hehehehe


Mike said...

What a strange, weird, incomprehensible website.

I mean, it looks good I just have no clue what exactly it is or it's supposed to do.

Oh well, as long as it makes him some money or something ;)

The Divine Miss M said...

I think it was just because.

I do a lot of things just because.

MidniteGem said...

Its a very geek website ...and he is very proud of it. Seen a few similar ones that just have links on them. On the left is his micro twitter blog. Then central is his collection of website links and then there are his flickr photos. He loves that he coded the whole thing and then he just has to update the other sites and his site is automatically updated.

The whole code from scratch thing amazes me. I can only fiddle with a bit of existing code.


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