Friday, 18 July 2008

Deathcab For Cutie

So today has been a seriously exhausting day but mostly cause I started off exhausted !!! On wednesday when having lunch in the park with my work mate Miss Quiet she mentioned that she was going to a gig the next night to see a band she didn't know...Deathcab for cutie... I was instantly like "OOOHHHH how awesome I love them!" So she was like would you like to come i have an extra ticket...HELL YEAH!

It is a complicated story about a friend and her bf (who bought the tickets) but an ex bought tickets too and now the friend my friend and the ex where going and the bf couldn't...oh well still I got a free ticket - YAY.

It was really awesome! They are pretty American indie but really like the music and the lyrics and the vibe was amazing !! the Brixton academy was full to the brim with massive fans and the energy of the crowd was really great. BUT they were seated tickets...That was very weird for me. I enjoyed getting to sit when waiting etc. But i still think I'm def much more of and standing in the crowd, jumping up and down and moving to the music kinda girl! I suppose i got a great view this way (cause normally i never have a good view with being only 5ft tall !!!) But this just distracted me and i landed up watching all sorts of things that i would be distracted by on strange normally - like the little helper guy the ran around picking up the singers towel and replacing the water and tuning the guitars in the background.

All in all tho it was a very awesome artist to watch live!

Then i headed home to find an empty house as C had stayed at work for a BBQ and booze! He pitch up home about 5 mins after I had walking in the door and proceeded to POUNCE (yes he pounces...kinda like tigger who i think he was in a previous life!) on me and so his hyperactive drunk harassment begins...yes it can be very annoying with things like getting licked on the nose but it also has me in absolute stitches!!! It can be very exhausting thankfully a slightly (read very) ummm stoned housemate came home so we got to harrass him :) We landed up sitting on the kitchen counters talking absolute shit until way too late !!

*side note...if anyone can find this movie: young people fucking Watch it !!! We now like to torment the housemate with a comment about cookie dough - it is brilliant.

Anyway i now have to get back to the annoying drawing that i have to get done...way to much thinking for a friday afternoon when you feel like shit!

Here are 2 little videos I shot on my phone last night. I am SUPEr impressed with the sound quality for a recording and the loud sound levels of a concert !

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