Thursday, 30 July 2009

Things i learnt yesterday...

This blog post concept stolen/inspired by Being Brazen. Full credit given... thoughts my own though.
  • It may be a good idea to iron my trousers more
  • It is more painful for my joints/back sitting in my office chair all day then it is traveling down to kent and back (which was a mission)
  • I may have more pride then is good for me sometimes
  • Blue food dye used for M&M's may be the future cure for spinal injuries. And it may turn your skin blue just like the cute little rats they are testing it on. Click here for more info on that.
So cute!! Poor ratty...but he does look kinda happy - but that could be a whole PR thing.


Janine / Being Brazen said...

Thanks for the mention.

I always iron my trousers. I think im a bit too compulaive about it.

Cute mousey - Love the blue look. lol

Have a great weekend!

Janine / Being Brazen said...

Ps - i meant compulsive. Flu germs are attacking my spelling skills.

po said...

Wow hey, I always thought blue M&M's were a cut above the rst, but that is cool!

MidniteGem said...

@BB - Sorry to hear your all fluy! great better soon and have a nice relaxed weekend. No worries about the mention - have to good credit when credit is due :)

@po - I'm the same but about blue you think that would work as well?


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