Wednesday, 27 December 2006

My fantasy life

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Current mood: ecstatic

I have been living the most amazing fantasy life for the past few weeks. In my previous blogs i've been talking about having expectations and all the worry that goes with it that these expectations will not be met etc. Well i was stressing for nothing!!! Things have been great and there have been so many moments when i've had to pinch myself to beleive that i could have found someone so great and who thinks i'm amazing ...I"m riding high on a bubble of hormones and it is fanstatic!

It amazing to just give over to life and live it instead of living it all in your head - hoping for the best and to be living in the moment.

Its great to be spoilt again - it been so long since i've been spoilt by a guy and i'd almost forgotten what it was like and i've been absolutly blown away by the awesome ways, little and great, that i've been spoilt. It can be just being spoilt by an amazing comment or by the awesomly extravegant gift i got for christmas!!! I dont think i've ever been so blown away by a present - not only for the fact that it is the most extravegant gift but also by the fact that the was so much faith in us being together and the throught and time involved in picking it and the involvement of other people in his life.

It has def been the most unforgetable few weeks i've even have and it setting a very high bar for the future which is been forced into sharp focus for me...and so I will be pushing myself out of my comfort zone and out into the big wide world to experience it all and to experience the love that is growing everyday.

I'm falling hard and fast and loving every minute of it ....and the next 3 months better go as fast as possible!

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