My head is seriously fried at the moment. I've been working non stop and that is all that it feels like i've been doing but it is only Thursday...I need this weekend to hurry up and get here.
My attention span is shot and I cannot consentrate on anything for more then 3 seconds! It is driving me up the wall. So this is going to be one seriously disjointed post as I cant seem to write more then a few sentances and then i'm wandering off to try do other things.
Firstly - My dad is doing well, all the cancer was taken out and it didnt get to the bone - so all is well. He is now not to move his leg until monday and he is so going to go made with boredom now!
#2 - Go check out my bit about the gallery, museum and Dinner we did last well ...HERE at my 101 things project. We got to see grown men prancing around in gladiator suits!! how cool is that. lol
3 = Thank you so much to Miss Caughtup for sending a Kreative blog award my way. I'm still in awe that people with such great blog read my little thing.
Fouth thing - C and I went on a very cool guided walk around Chealsea last friday for free as arranged by the londonist. It was very cool and I really enjoyed all the random stories and myths and pop culture. What a fasinating guy, Chris, that took it. I'll go find the links just now. He does a publication called One Eye Grey which is stories written of folklore and myths but set in the current london. We did buy 3 editions and i'll hopefully get around to reading them soon. Then we did land up eating dinner at the Mc Donalds - but we just had to after find out that it was the building/shop that the drug shop that the rolling stones used to hang out it. What a strange turn around from drug shop to Mc D's.
#5 - OMG it is now suddenly FREEZING ...and this sudden "cold snap" caused us to have SNOW in Oct (this is very weird as it hasnt snowed in oct for 70 odd years) So once I eventually made it out of the freezing col house the other morning I did catch the last bits of the snow in the back garden. But the thing about all this is that we still havent sorted out the heating that from some STRANGE reason got completely turned off for summer. But now that it is SO cold we are seriously needing to organise the gas guy to come back and turn it on. The hitch to doing this is the fact that this means we have to turn our bedroom into a lounge and hide all the bedroom stuff.... so that is the mission this weekend - oh joy
And that is all i think i have for today.
Good news about your dad!
I loved the snow so much. I am like a small child.
Glad to hear that your dad's surgery went well and sending some SA sunrays your way - hope you manage to stay warm!
@po - yeah I did like the snow - just not the cold. I got all child-like when i walked in the door and INSISTED that it was snowing...C didnt beleive me till he saw it the next morning !
@Msmozi - Thanks so much! and seriously THANK YOU for the sunrays - def needed! I just keep thinking that i'm going to have 25 beautiful days back in Cpt in Jan!
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