Monday, 16 February 2009

I hate waiting !

So I’m seriously hating this waiting to find out if we have past the tests and can have the flat !! This is just annoyingly frustrating. I mean I’m a good girl – I deserve this! Ok so it really doesn’t help that I’ve left my phone at home and have no idea if the estate agent has called!! But then surely he would call C if he gets no reply?? ARG

Anyways so I’ve become completely obsessed with furniture. The place is unfurnished and we’ll have to furnish it. At the moment C has a few pieces that are going to come with us but it is all the biggies that we don’t have. Like a bed and couch (a futon doesn’t count babes) and wardrobes. And then lets not also forget all the thing we are going to need in the kitchen. Like plates!! And bowls. We only own the random things like a mixing bowl, stock pot, teapot (but not the mugs) and electric mixer!

So all of this means SHOPPING! And my fav place to shop these days is online! Always want the best deal. So basically spent the entire weekend being obsessed with home furnishing. And I’m not kidding when I say the whole weekend. So far this is the Ikea bed that we have choosen. And that is the main concern right now until we get the go ahead to move.
BUT then I followed the line of thought were I remembered the Gorgeous furniture that I discovered (and posted here) that happens to cost a fortune (nothing under £2900). Back then I had the thought that I so could do that. So hey why not. So below is the chair I’ve found on ebay (for £22) and below that is the general idea of what it will look like when done. So I just have to make the decision to bid. And you know me and decisions!
Ebay chair:

Jimmie martin chairs:

Well I’m off back to my furniture hunt :)


po said...

Wow, you gonna make a cool chair like that? So cool. Have fun!

Sunny said...

the best deal indeed.

Anonymous said...

Futons are the answer, millions and millions of futons! They're like manna from heaven. Sit on them, sleep on them - hell they even make great tables! I'm sure if I could just find somewhere to secure the axle, a futon would make a rocking car!


boldly benny said...

I love what you're planning to do to that chair - keep us updated please!

MidniteGem said...

@po - I know how exciting !! and def my idea of fun :)

@sunny - yeah I reckon so

@C - NUTTER !!! :P (they also make a great dumping ground)

@benny - lets hope I get the chair tonight! bidding will start at 22:30 GMT

po said...

Hey, just wanted to tell you i am hosting a blog carnival for expats on my blog on Sunday. If you have any kind of story of your expereinces as an expat, feel free to give me the link, and then you can be part of the carnival.


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