Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Time for change

I have a feeling that a few changes are in the process of happening. Well when I say process I mean it is all in my head at the moment.

On Saturday I was actually the one dragging C out of bed and wanting to get going early in the day. Normally it is me staying in bed dozing as long as possible on the weekends lasting into the early afternoon. Not this day though as it was the Art in Clay exhibition/Fair! This is the biggest event in the UK in the ceramics world and I was not going to miss it for the third year. (can you beleive how quickly the time i've been in the country has flown)

It was just amazing... I loved it! I really needed it as well. Firstly it made me realise that I am a maker and an artist inside and that I do have the talent! The difference between the people exhibiting and me where that they were doing ceramics full time and they all had 10 years of that behind them OR they were students that were studying ceramics full time. It really was a good realisation that I could with time really make something of my passion in ceramics. I mean it has always been in me but i've not really been in a position in the past to really persue it.

I was just so inspired by alot of the things that were exhibited. And I bought a book that appealed to me for inspiration and later at home realised it was even better as it was a book that relates directly to the ceramics degree here in London. It is written by the proffesor! It has been great for inspiration and how to chanel it etc.

So I need to make time and prioritise creativity in my life!

One of the first things that I think i'll have to do is to redesign this blog and it may have to take a different direction for now. I've also found as much as I love that my blog is there to share things with family, friends and the bf, I do find that I hold things back because of that - and I dont think that is a bad thing. It just stops me from writing on here at all sometimes. So I feel that there may be a new chapter in the life of this blog over the horizon.

I seem to have noticed that it isnt only me that is waning with the blog entries... i've noticed that most of my regular blog reads are also battling for inspiration.


The Divine Miss M said...

You DEFINITELY should take your pottery further honey :-)

I've lost all blogging desires of late. No idea why but no desire to blog at all.

po said...

I am also struggling for inspiration at the moment. I need a change too!

SA Expats said...

I like the new blog look!

MidniteGem said...

@ Miss M - thanks :) I have plans!! will make happen. And I noticed about the blogging... you just need the work place to come up with more crazy stories...go stir them up :)

@po - I really am noticing the same theme of lack of inspriration and need for change on all the blogs i read.. maybe it is a late 20's thing

@SA Expats - Thanks!! am trying it out and will see how I like it. More links and organization needed tho.

The Divine Miss M said...

New layout is awesome Gem! Really like it :)


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