Tuesday, 6 March 2007

My grateful diary no2

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Current mood: content
Category: Life

10 things I'm grateful for:
1. for the strong examples i have in my parents and the unconditional love that they have for me
2. for the amazing man that has come into my life - and who makes even the darkest days bright (even when he is half way across the world)
3. for the close connections that i have with my friends that creates a strong support system. for the way that each friend is there for me in there own special way.
4. for the fact that we booked my train ticket to london 4 hours after my plane is supposed to land cause now it is already landing an hour later then expected
5. new people that have come into my life that it seems like there was a reason for meeting
6. for the fact that i am ticking things off my to do list
7. for the connections that i've already made with employment agencies in London and the opportunity to get there finally
8. for getting to see the movie the secret and for it reinforcing what i believe is out there for me and my future (please everyone if you can get a chance - go see it next tuesday at the labia!)
9. for the fact that i had a proper conversation with my brother today - on his birthday !
10. that my parents have made it through 26 years of marriage today :) well done

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