So it is official I got the chair. I'm becoming quite the ebayer :) I must say that C was impressive with his prediction of the price! So it is mine for £51 beating the other bidder by a pound. How exciting. Now I just have to pick it up when we move and figure out how to reupholster it .... Oh yeah and lets not forget actually making a decision on the design of it.
We also got the contract for the flat today so it is all happening. Becoming more and more real everyday - Is SO exciting. Which reminds me that I have to go and start signing all the pages of the contract and to do that I have to tear C away from his endless google reader session. :) We are such sad IT geeks sometimes. I blame him!
Cool - cant wait to see picture when you reupholster it
I need to be an ebayer too... i'm just scared i'm gonna buy crap! lol. post pics once you're done with the chair.. sounds like a fun project!
Read the small print carefully! It's vital!
Woohoo on all accounts!
@Brazen - will def get a pic up - just hope it turns out how i want.
@mylifescape - i'm so bad at making decisions on things that i doubt i've ever buy anything truely crap ...unless the chair turns out to be. me we did - it took ages! 9 pages later of legalize and my brain felt like it was totally confused and about to explode
@benny ....WOO HOO :)
You are all growed up as my mom would say!
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