Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Ads, Cheating and UK men

As I was travelling to work this morning and standing on my home tube station platform with nothing else to do but read the large poster avertisments. I think it was one of the first times that I was truely shocked and sickened by an ad. And the sad thing is that I don't think it was trying to be shocking at all!
It was an ad for a used car dealership (I think) and basically was saying that this guy has a long face cause his wife is nagging for a new car but he went down and bought a great used car and saved a bundle of money.
Ok right so far it is your usual stereotyped ad nothing too shocking. But now the last line of the poster say that you now have some extra money to go on a naughty weekend away to Paris... With the girlfriend!
No wonder most of the morals of the men here in the uk are fucked up with this blaise attitude to cheating! I can tell you that if I look at the men in our office as a model of the men in the uk then 80 percent of men will not give a second thought to their wives as they cheat on them. Or girlfriends for that matter that happen to have their children as well.
I am always amazed at the ease at which these guys will flirt and cheat but now I see that maybe it isn't just the guys fault but the fact that it seems to be so socially acceptable!
No wonder females here can be so insecure and attempt to be so controlling which is a vicious cycle as that drives the guys more away from the girlfriends and wife into the easy flirting cheating way.


The Blonde Blogshell said...

Disgusting! Hate stuff like that! Women are sex symbols and men can be dogs...it's almost made "cool."

Disgusting! Well said hun x

MidniteGem said...

I know it is insane! I think that SA men treat woman worse to their faces and the UK men do it behind thier backs even though it is accepted here - its fucking aweful !!

Miss Caught Up said...

Wow! Whatever happened to till death do us part? I'll have to keep in mind to never date a man from the UK.


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