Saturday, 2 February 2008

Things that boss wanted to do to me on thursday

Ok this is so not a kinky thing - sorry to dissapoint some.

For one of the first time I landed up in a wierd mood at work. One of my typically overtired hyperactive weird moods that I havent had in ages. It wasnt helped by the fact that the printers were pissing me off. So there I was screaming across the office for the studio manager to fix it all and NOW. And then ensued much feet stamping, hand flapping, high pitch squealing tantrum. This was much more fun then actuall working.

My boss them picks up his tape measure and starts pulling out the tape and edging it over the work bench to me...this was to measure how far away my desk is so that he could rule that I had to stay 3.5m away from him when freaking out about printers!!

Then he started to discuss if they would be able to stick me to the ceiling and leave me there. We have a machine that you roll paper through and it gets a very sticky layer of glue on the back. They were wanted to put me through that and then stick me to the ceiling.

But then if they stuck me to the ceiling they would still be able to hear me so then the next plan was to get a rope and tie it round me and then into the window cleaners safty hook and throw me out the window (we are on the 5th floor btw) Then since my boss was in some want to chocolate they thought it would be a good idea to throw me out the window that was above the shop down stairs so that I could go fetch chocolate !

So after fixing my printing issues the studio manager headed off in search of sweet things and came back with the biggest stash of chocolate and fizzy drinks (that have lasted 2 days) And even though they tried to deny me more sugar I got my way and was on a very happy sugar high for the rest of the afternoon :)

Was good to have some fun at the design bench :) Think it was the joke emails fault that caused my boss to go hunting joke videos all afternoon - and all friday come to think of it - they were being such little boys !! But talk about great atmosphere.

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